In a high school classroom, an NWU education major student teaches a class.
Teacher Education Program

Contact or visit us

Education Department
Rebekah Maahs, Administrative Assistant in Education
Smith-Curtis, Room 130B
Lincoln, NE 68504
(402) 465-2304
rmaahs [at] (rmaahs[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)

Title II Higher Education Act Report

Teacher Education Program


Students who have completed at least one course in Education may make formal application to the Teacher Education Program.

Application Requirements

To become an applicant, students must complete and submit a written application for candidacy into the Teacher Education Program. By applying, students also affirm they have not been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor or entered a plea of guilty or no contest to a felony or misdemeanor involving abuse, neglect, or sexual misconduct in any criminal, drug or juvenile court. Students must also affirm that they do not have an order or determination currently in effect by a court or any other governmental body which finds them to be any of the following: a mentally ill and dangerous person, mentally incompetent to stand trial, acquitted of criminal charges because of insanity, an incapacitated person in need of a guardian, or unable to manage their property due to mental illness, mental deficiency, chronic use of drugs or intoxication; or is currently an inpatient or resident in a mental health facility due to a determination by a qualified mental health professional. A person with a conviction shall not be allowed to participate in pre-student teaching field, laboratory and classroom experiences or student teach, without approval by the State Board of Education.

After submitting the application, students will be assigned an advisor. Secondary Education students should also have an advisor in their teaching field or subject areas.

In order to become a candidate, applicants must:

  1. Pass the Core Academic Skills Test at the standards established by the State Board of Education. Current Nebraska standards: Reading, 156, Mathematics 150, Writing 162.
  2. Provide the Education Department with a list of all criminal convictions with the exception of traffic convictions.
  3. Complete a satisfactory academic record before acceptance as a candidate (computed at the end of 3 semesters):
    • 3.0 or above grade point average for all college courses.
    • 3.0 or above grade point average in Education Courses and courses in the endorsement area.
  4. ELEMENTARY and SPECIAL EDUCATION students must demonstrate Mathematics Proficiency by completing a college level mathematics course with a grade of "C" or better in addition to Math1200.
  5. Receive recommendation from the Vice President of Student Life and Community.
  6. Receive recommendation of the Candidacy Committee. The Candidacy Committee for Secondary Education is composed of the student's advisor from the Education department and an academic advisor from his/her teaching Field or Subject endorsement areas. The Candidacy Committee for Elementary Education and Special Education is composed of the student's advisor, another Education Department instructor, and an academic instructor of the student's choice.


Policies and procedures regarding the Teacher Education Program are determined by the Education Department Committee and shall be administered by the Chair of the Education Department. A student has a right of appeal from decisions of the administrator of the policies to the college Teacher Education Committee. The Teacher Education Committee shall hear the evidence and make the final decision in each case.